Written Testimonials
Secret Millionaire opens Ajuda Training Academy:
Kevin Green’s Wealth Training Testimonials.
Hi Kevin,
We met some years ago at the Hampshire Property Club where you gave an amazing presentation. I ran that club with my partner Dennis Coote who unfortunately got Cancer some two years ago. Since then I have been caring for him, amazing how Cancer can completely take over your life! Dennis died in my arms last August and I am now starting to emerge from that period of my life.
I just wanted to thank you from my heart for the great weekend, it really brought back to me what I love in life and what I have been missing through no one’s fault, just the way life is. Though I learnt a lot about myself during that time. It’s incredible what inner strength people find when pressed right against the wall!
So thank you so much for everything you gave me during this weekend. I loved it, loved being around people again and loved hearing you speak. You gave me more than you know and have fired up my enthusiasm again to actually do the things I love in life.
Strange how a business weekend, about property and making wealth does far more than that. It gave me my life back. Thank you.
My very best wishes to you and your amazing family,
Hazel Reed
Nova Publications – formerly Hampshire Property club!
Hi Kevin
I normally fall asleep when someone gets up on stage to do a presentation. Saturday afternoon sitting in the front row at the second city suite Birmingham when you came on stage i thought here we go again.
As you spoke my ears pricked up, your goal and aspirations sounded very familiar. Aston Martin DB9, Financial abundance,What is it that make people tick, charitable causes for children to mention a few. I came back home to london thinking we both about are about the same age with similar goals. What do I need to do to reach similar heights?
I believe those words Richard Brandson passed on to you is the Key.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life with a completely different perception….Thank you Kevin
Would love to have you as a mentor.
Thanks again
Steve Pacquette
I was fortunate enough to be the first person to be coached through the Kevin Green Wealth training. It transformed me from a young guy with good ideas, to a businessman with plans, structure and the confidence to achieve big things. Now I still have the ideas, but I can look at them objectively and make the right moves after. My business has gone from just myself to 5 full time employees in little over 5 months (3 of which were being coached), and it is showing no signs of letting up from there either. If you have the ideas and not the structure, or even the structure and not the ideas, in fact if you are missing ANYTHING, then KGW coaching is right for you. It was for me.
Danny Inman
Northern Property Meeting Testimonial (Kevin Green & Michael Bradford)
Having recently attended the Northern Property Network Meeting on Thursay 3rd, I have wrote out this testimonial.
Kevin Green was like a breath of fresh air.. Cool, refreshing and just what I needed! Kevin shared many great tactical maneuvers for the property market but what out did this (for me) was his genuineness towards others. Its easy to see why Kevin has done so well, he’s honest, passionate and believes in following his heart! I could not say how much respect I have for this man, I had not heard of Kevin Green before, but I will never forget the man I met.
Michael Bradford was not what I expected, he was far more than I ever COULD have thought.
Having had an immensely successful fun in the corporate world, Michael now works with others, helping them find their own potential, guiding them through processes of self healing and being an inspiring persona. I saw Michael do things that many would right off as being false, or airy fairy, but he is the real deal. I have studied many metaphysical and holistic arts, however, what I saw from Michael Bradford was something I dont think Ill ever see elsewhere. Inspiring, Passionate, Honest and Masterful.
Attending the meeting was an enlightening experience, had I not attended and then found out what was said and shared I would have been sorely disappointed! It was my first Northern Property Meeting that I have attended and having now been I can say it wont be the last I will attend!
Bobby, Steve, Kevin & Michael, and everyone who made the evening what it was are true superstars withing their fields and property. If you have not been to one of the meetings but would like to start networking and learning from people who are friendly, passionate, intelligent and successful who all share the love of what they do, I could not recommend a place better than the Noprthern Property Meeting from my own experiences.
Michael James Rochester
(iChange UK)
Testimonial: Saw Kevin speak at NPN Huddersfield last week – Awesome!
DO NOT miss this opportunity to be truly inspired and motivated! Please support your Property Network Meetings!!!
Mike Clarke
Hi Kevin, Great evening, very entertaining, inspirational and highly informative. Your making an excellent contribution to charities close to your heart. It was watching you on SM that has inspired me to donate a % of each ready made deal to a local charity. Well done..
Darren Hunt
Twitter Testimonials
Kevin Green’s Secret Millionaire Testimonials.
I would really appreciate it if my thanks can be sent to Kevin. I have just watched the airing of The Secret Millionaire and was moved to tears as the lives changed thanks to your kindness touched me on a very personal note.
I hope you don’t mind me messaging to express this but it’s too often ppl only message to complain but don’t take the time to say what a wonderful thing someone has done.
My nephew Cameron suffers from duchenne muscular dystrophy which is a muscle wasting disease and as he is now 12 the likelihood is we will not have him in our lives much longer. As a family since Cam was 2 we have fund raised to help find a cure and now try to fund raise for Demelza Hospice in sittingbourne. Like the hospice you helped they are remarkable and as a family we cannot thank them enough for the happiness they’ve brought to my nephew and knowing that nearer the time my sister will have the support and Cam will be able to leave this world surrounded by the love and support at the hospice makes the future easier to bear.
So please accept these words of huge thanks as its people like you donating to hospices that make this possible.
The help you gave to the young lads was also heroic. As I helped a young man who had been in prison for a juvenile mistake and was basically going to be homeless as a result. It was a huge fight but eventually as he turned 25 whilst with us I was able to set him up in his own flat and hopefully set him on the right road again. The Amber project is something that I’d love to see happen more often and if there was one locally to myself I would definitely help as much as possible. As u noted on the programme developers and landlords do not get the government support in offering a worthwhile rental to those under 25 so tend to avoid this market. I would love to see the government change this or or if possible see developers set up similar to student let’s for those homeless to be given a second chance in life.
Hence as both of the causes you helped touched my heart I really think that what you did was a heroic thing and in doing so have touched not only the people that you helped on the programme but also the fact that you highlighted both of these causes and your kind words mean that those in the same position are touched that there are people like yourself that care and sometimes that means more than money can put a value on.
Wishing you every success in your business and every happiness with your lovely family
Dawn Pearse
Hi kevin
Hope you dont mind me sending you this email. i have just watch you on the secret millionaire on channel 4 this was very touching what you have done for these people. without people like you no one would ever no what is being done. the kind hearted people willing to give up there own time to help others.
I would just like to tell you that I am an avvid watcher of secret millionair and what you did was something special.
I know you probably wont even read this as I am sure you have staff who deal with your web site, but just wanted to show my appreiation.
Dear Kevin, I have just watched you on secret millionaire, thanks for inspiring me to do something for others for once, as a fully paid up member of the ‘tit pullers club’ I never seem to have much time for anything else, however, now I will be looking for something worthwhile to give a bit of my support to, thankfully, all the best for the future, kind regards,
Kate x
Kevin, Just thought it appropriate to drop you a short note after your TV debut.
I must say you came across very well on the program last night and I’m sure you will have a positive outlook moving forward.
Having watched “The Secret Millionaire” since the program was launched you certainly came across as one of the participants who the who experience has made a difference too?
The experience looked very humbling? I’m sure we are all too materialistic and life is very short.. Helping others is as rewording and as fulfilling as making loads of cash in business…
Well done mate and good luck for the future!!
PS if you want to keep up with the helping others bit, we are looking for volunteers on the Lifeboat crew at Burry Port… NO cash just time and there are a good bunch of guys to have fun as well!!
Regards, Owain S Davies. Managing Director, Amcanu Ltd
Hi there. I can’t quite believe I am doing this but here goes, what the hell! I watched Secret Millionaire last night, which I might add always makes me cry, but God that episode got to me!
Apart from the obvious, giving the money to those wonderful people was amazing, but more than anything I was touched by your reaction to it all. I have no doubt Julie would be hugely proud of her big brother and I am sure she is looking out for you where ever she is.
Oh and from a personal point of view, great eyes by the way!
Joanne Edwardson. Multimedia Communication, Commerzbank AG
Hi Kevin, Well, it’s now 2 weeks since the screening of your episode of Secret Millionaire and I’m still thinking about it so thought I’d drop you a line.
I love the series anyway; watching a programme with the feel good factor and which restores faith in human nature is always uplifting but especially welcome in the current climate, however your episode particularly intrigued me. Maintenance Jeff/Geoff is an inspiration to us all, 68 years old and working 80 hrs a week, what a totally selfless man but one of the most contented and happy people I have seen in quite some time, there’s a lesson to be learnt there by us all.
‘Angelic’ Geoff, I bet he’s never shouted in his life!, so calm and thoughtful, the perfect person to do his kind of work and Julie, incredible woman, the people you met who ran these services were amazing. Most, if not all, other ‘gifters’ – dreadful word but can’t think of a better one at the moment! – seem to gain something more than just pleasure in being able to help others financially but your experience seemed to suggest that, although you were undoubtedly very generous to the people and projects to whom you donated, you personally gained a lot more which will stay with you long term than you expected.
Your ongoing devastation of Julie’s death was heart stoppingly obvious throughout the programme but it seemed that by the end of the programme and having spent time with Geoff (one of the many!) you’d made some sort of breakthrough there too, I certainly hope that I didn’t misread it and that that’s the case, it’s a shockingly long time to have been hurting that much, I really felt for you. It was so thought provoking in fact that I did a bit of internet surfing and now, having read more of your story on your websites it’s given me even more to think about; your life has certainly not been dull.
I think that we can all be guilty at times of judging people by first impressions or circumstances and, shamefully, it’s usually in an derogatory and patronising way but when you said you felt disconnected from people, it was a reminder that it can happen the other way around too, ironic that people who enjoy or suffer both extremes of wealth can share such similar emotions sometimes. You seem to have made some good friends in Devon and for someone who’s left tit-pulling behind them you certainly seemed as happy as a pig in the preverbial emptying out the pond so if you ever feel disconnected again, may I suggest that you go and bond with your yellow buckets and the lads in a very muddy pond!!!!
Anyway, sorry for the unsolicited e-mail and for going on a bit, didn’t realise how much I’d written!, I just wanted to say well done for the best episode I’ve ever seen, it’s spurred me to do actually action something I have contemplated for a few years and I’m volunteering to help a charity locally who feed, water and pamper the homeless on Christmas Day this year and I’m really looking forward to it so thank you for that. My boys will be with their father this Christmas but they too want to volunteer with me next year thanks to you.
All the best and good luck with your continued business and charity ventures, they are both enhancing many people’s lives, you have so very much of which to be proud of yourself and for which others are clearly extremely grateful.
BTW, what were the viewing figures? – did you beat the previous largest audience for SM as you wanted? Also, I thought you did a very good job washing Norman’s car, I never do mine that well!!
Hi Kevin. Just wanted to say congrats on “Secret Millionaire” which has just been on and hope you beat the viewing figures!
Knew you were a “good guy” when we met you but even better to know you’ve re-discovered the “real” you – light workers in your circumstances are not common…
Without wishing to sound patronising, giving money (when you’ve got it!) is easy but to give of yourself means so much more. You are, and we’re sure will continue to be, an inspiration – not bad for a welsh “tit puller”!
Best wishes. Martin & Elaine
Hi Kevin how are you? We had fun watching the programme last night, shame most of it got cut but it was good to see. We would all like to thank you greatly for your donation it has brought us brand new computers which I’m using now to write to you and obviously you have seen the running machine.
We hope you found the answer you were looking for inside yourself.
A group of us are going to Bulgaria on the 2nd of November for 2 weeks to do voluntary work on a orphanage over there, we were wondering if we could do anything for you to help fund raise for our trip. We have to raise £1,500 minimal before the 2nd to pay for materials to use when we’re doing our voluntary work over there please contact me on this email address.
Sean Hughes
Hi there Kevin, Congratulations on seeing you on ”The Secret Millionaire” and the journey you took to get to being one ……but more importantly because you showed heart…….. and the courage to connect and that I am sure touched all who were viewing. Wishing you love and happiness,
Lots of love Belinda
I taped it. Then I watched it. Then I watched it again. Great show. Really enjoyed that Kevin My mum now thinks you’re a very nice man. Hope I can emulate one day Regards Alan
Hey Kevin, We just wanted to say a huge congratulations on your very inspirational and heart-rending Secret Millionaire adventure. We watched the channel 4 program separately, and it’s just as well because my eyes (Phil) were very sweaty! It’s fantastic that you truly made a difference in those peoples’ lives. Very, Very Well Done!
Love and hugs, Phil and Karen xx Advanced Students
Hi Kevin. I dont expect you to remember me. I did a course in Belfast with you last year and I went on and did a few more in Richmond. However I’ve put aside the property bug for now and I’m spending more time developing my Spiritual side.
I imagine you’ve received many messages from people who’ve seen secret millionaire this week and rightly so. It was wonderful to watch and really quite moving.
Having met you at the course in Belfast I was really taken with you as a person. Not because of all you’d done with property or because of your wealth but because of your openess and honesty. I remember being really taken aback when you told us about your initial meeting with Sandie. Obviously having had the experience you knew how real it was but to others the ‘unexplainable’ makes you ‘strange’. So I really admired your courage in telling that story.
I in turn was surprised then in watching the tv the other night to hear you talk about your disconnection. Obviously like myself you have a good front. I too disconnected from people through my own childhood traumas (which I wont burden you with). I remember when I discovered this disconnection it was such a surprise. I always got on well with people and people liked me. Of course I myself was a long way back from this front, well hidden from public view. Its been quite a journey connecting again, not always pleasant but extremely rewarding in the end. My life is beyond what I knew happiness to be. Connection has brought me into a wonderful relationship and brought no end of joy and opportunity to myself, my partner and most of all my children.
For me psychotherapy was the path of discovery. I used to think only sick people went to therapy, now I realise actually it is a wonderful gift for those of us who consider ourselves well.
However you find your connection Kevin I wish you well. You are a lovely man and deserve to be completely happy. Always remember your sister is by your side so even when you feel no one understands or knows whets going on, she does.
Wishing you and your family all the joy love and peace in the world.
God Bless Marie Kavanagh
Hi Kevin. Thought I would drop you a line to say how much we all enjoyed the show, you were fantastic and yes we all cried. Myself and Abi were planning to come up to your pub as a surprise but had to be up at 6am!!! groan. Hope you had a good night, I expect you have been inundated with calls and e mails etc. Went to Exeter on the train yesterday for training and some lovely ladies came up to me and said how much they enjoyed the show and to keep up the good work.
All the best, looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Julie BPAG (Barnstaple Poverty Action Group)
Hello Kevin. I am sure you have had thousands of emails this last week, It was great to see you on Secret Millionaire, I was born in Barnstaple and my Mum works in the Children’s Hospice so it was very personal, since going on a Martin Roberts course you took in Exeter last year, we now have one property rented out and are busy renovating another thanks for the continued encouragement.
Mark and Sarah Lyes
Hi Kevin, It was good to chat to you last Friday. Hope all is well with you and your family. The Secret M. prog. really raised the profile of Little Bridge. Lots of positive feedback. Thanks so much for your generosity, your donation will be used to make a real difference.
It was strange to turn on Radio Wales last Friday on route to visit Jan’s mum who is in a nursing home in Pontypridd. We tuned in just at the right time to hear your interview. You came over really well.
Life at Little Bridge is a combination of lots of fun and real moments of sadness. I worked last weekend and we had a group of teenagers staying all of whom are really unwell. One lad who lives in Barnstaple with his mum is Marcus. He is a real star, he has blond hair, glasses and a smile which lights up the world. He chatted to me about you for ages having seen the programme. You are his hero. If you have the chance would you be able to drop him a line to say hi. He attends a special school called Pathfields in Barnstaple and has just started staying at Little Bridge as his serious condition has deteriorated. He is able to chat and a letter or email from you would bring an even broader smile to his face.
Well boyo, thanks again for all you have done to help others. Don’t forget you have an open invitation to come to Little Bridge at any time. If we can help you in any way then just ask.
Take care and God bless, Geoff (Little Bridge Hospice)
Hi Kevin, John and Debs recommended I watch The Secret Millionaire last week. We do usually watch it however having a ‘connection’ made it even more enjoyable. Well done for what you are doing… you are a true inspiration.
All the best, Richard
Hi Kevin. I’m sure you’re getting a lot of mail following your experience on the Secret Millionaire, but I just wanted to say, I watch it regularly and found your experiences particularly touching.
Any kind of capitalism engenders jealousy in people so I am sure you’ll get a lot of stick too, but essentially, only you can know the value gained personally and emotionally through taking part, so a big congratulations to you. Kind regards, Clare Green
Hi Kevin. I just wanted to get in touch with you as I have just watched your episode of the Secret Millionaire and was extremely touched by your experience. I am currently putting together a children’s project and wondered whether or not you would be interested in getting involved. If you would then please let me know.
Kind regards, Emma Jones
Hi Kevin.
I’m Catherine and in September I watched your show just by off chance really of flicking through the channels one night, which I rarely get chance to watch tv. I saw the show and thought I’d just watch it for something to do actually. As it’s not really something I’d choose to watch
I wanted to actually praise you on the fact your personality was so genuine, you came across as a down to earth person, someone who judged people of their age especially the younger ones then took a step back to realise they needed a chance in life too.
You said that you’d split from your wife as you focused on your career/work being a property investor. My father is a wealthy self employed person and has concentrated on his work more than his family in life and it split us really leading to a divorce with my mother and the children going with my mum as my dad worked his butt off really. The same as you. I could just see a reflection from my past with you and your children. I just wanted to say, focus on your kids too, cause they will remember ALOT more negative of what dad didn’t do with them more than what dad DID do with them.
I had that, all because dad focused on his business. I now don’t have contact with my father and I don’t want you to have this later down the road. Which I don’t think would happen. The last memory I have of my father doing something with me was when I was 4 and I was so proud of him. I’m now 27 next month. Your 2 boys and girl, won’t be kids for ever. Even involve them with the business, take them to footie matches, or let your girl have a sleep over at your house one night, or even all go to the cinema. Your get a good feeling or achievement as well as quality time. My dad used to give us money, not quality time. I miss the quality time. Your a good man Kevin Green. Good luck with your business. You can see your children have alot of respect for you, and I’m proud of them for this. And I’m not like the rest, I’m not after your money. Just trying to give you some advice. From a parent to another. Take care. Catherine.
Dear Kevin, I live in the North Devon area and was deeply moved when the programme was broadcast recently. I would just like to apologise for the comments and statements that have been made since, particularly by MP Nick Harvey, who complained about Channel 4’s lack of superficial photography, which had no place in the filming of this programme. I think he may have failed to miss the point as to what the programme was about. Instead he felt, I believe that it was free advertising for the tourist trade.
I hope that it does not put you off visiting Barnstaple again and maintaining your contact with the people who you came into contact with. Thank you once again for your generosity, as a volunteer myself I know only too well how hard it is to raise money for worthwhile causes. Ildi McIndoe
Hi Kevin, my name is Karen and I am a single mam to two beautiful children who I adore. Iam watching your show and its is lovely to see someone like yourself helping people and charities that really need the help. I am shocked how your marriage split up over on how you wanted to succeed in life that is really a shame. It is lovely to see that you now live for your three children.
Nice to see dads still wanting their children after marriage break-ups. As I have already said I am a single mam with two children a girl 16 and a boy 10 who is autistic and fought to be here today as he was born 10 weeks premature and his dad doesn’t bother with him nor does his dads family. They don’t even send a birthday cards or xmas cards and his dad’s mother was an ex-magistrate who worked on the family courts stating what is best for children when couples split and even she has turned her back on her on grandson.
Well never mind it is lovely to see a person like yourself out their helping people and also being a loving and caring dad. I know all what divorce is like been there myself and it is very nice. I have also been very depressed myself to after having my son who was 10 weeks premature who is now autistic, which is very hard work I have had to fight for everything and because he looks so normal people just think he is a naughty child. My mam has been my back bone. I know have respite once a fortnight where he goes to a foster caring from Saturday morning till Sunday night, which is lovely which gives me a break to unwind or even go out with my friends.
So anyway you seem a really caring gentleman and it lovely what you are doing for these people. Take care Karen Robson
p.s I had to send a e-mail saying how a very nice person you are. Also joined your fan club on FaceBook xx
Kevin, Just watched your secret millionaire and felt very inspired by the whole programme. I’ll bet its an experience you will carry with you for the rest of your life. And may it be the beginning of a more fulfilling future for you. I feel like I am where you once were on that dairy farm and plodding along quite happy but deep down I know that there is an onus on me to be successful so that I to can do just like you did. Keep up the good work in all areas and who knows some day we will have a chat over a coffee. Thank you!
Hi, My names Claire Pilgrim and I would like for this message to be read by Kevin Green himself – knowing his busy schedule and lifestyle I doubt for one minute he would read this, although it would be a pleasure should this be reality.
I watched the Secret Millionaire programme last night and i must say you are an absolute inspiration, to openly speak about your life regarding your sister was admirable. I personally was touched by that but also noticed your comment regarding how people treat you and feel you only got a personal 1-1 from those who knew you as a volunteer whereas as a millionaire I guess people are very different towards you.
On a personal note should you get to read my email I would go as far to say should I ever get the privilege to meet you personally I would happily speak to you about your sister passing away as that side of things hit me as in my past Lupus was once a possible diagnosis for me although luckily i was fortunate enough for it not to be that.
Anyway should you get to read this I want to say, you came across as the most genuine Secret Millionaire and you should be very proud to know that not only the money side was appreciated but i think you hit home to a lot of viewers how genuine you are – that is something I’ve never seen before watching the programme.
I hope this message can satisfy you in knowing what difference you have made and also how myself – a random person was touched by what you did and the impact you have had on those who are in need. All the best and congratulations on what you have achieved in life.
Claire Pilgrim
Kevin Green’s Speaking Feedback.
Millionaire Kevin wows business bosses
By Andy Pearson
He only travelled a few miles down the road from his home in Burry Port, but Kevin Green brought a world of experience to Swansea Business Club yesterday.
As guest speaker during the club’s lunch gathering at the Village Hotel, Green revealed how he had gone from nothing to multi-millionaire.
In the couple of decades after living homeless on the streets of Yeovil, he has met the likes of Bill Gates and Sir Richard Branson.
And the inspiration he has drawn from figures such as they was transmitted to the Village’s audience of around 100 guests.
His tips included: follow your dreams, surround yourself with good people, don’t waste a second, research every deal thoroughly, embrace PR and social media, give back to society, don’t worry that others may not like you, plan ahead.
On my table was his all-action PA Allison Thomas-Mears who said that she spent as much time arranging his charitable activities as she did his prodigious speaking programme.
So what did others in the audience think? On the Swansea Business Club Linked In group, I asked: “Which of his points really resonated with you?”
There was an interesting cross-section of thoughts.
Swansea-based business and investment consultant Robin Wood wrote: “For me it was the importance of purpose and giving to get – you don’t need to walk over people to get where you want to go.”
New business club president Kath Whitrow, impressed with Kevin’s admission that women have great business strengths, wrote: “Easy – women rule!”
Alan Brayley, of Swansea’s AB Glass, wrote: “I agree with Kath. Kevin is good though – you’ve got to admit, Kath!”
Elsewhere on the group, Dawn Lyle, of iCreate, Swansea, wrote: “I thought Kevin Green gave a fantastic talk. It reminded me why I’m in business in the first place – and that no, it’s not all about the money … it’s so important to love what you do.”
Social media coach Natalie Reynolds posted: “Kevin’s speech was excellent. He is such a down to earth guy and I admire his passion. Certainly made me think about my ‘destination’ and my purpose!”
Great food for thought: Roll on the next Swansea Business Club event at Morgans Hotel, Swansea, on November 11 when guest speaker is due to be Ospreys head coach Sean Holley.